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Ships & Shipping
NIMASA, modular refinery operators deliberate on availability of Sulphur…
The Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency (NIMASA) and modular refinery operators, on Wednesday, deliberated on the…
“We wanted an African P&I Club to support growth of shipping…
When the Indigenous Shipowners Association in Nigeria pushed for a workable cabotage performance, they also wanted to see the…
Watch: Restraints from lack of Nigerian maritime technical development…
Welcome to this edition of ‘CEOs Talk Business.’
The Chief Executive Officer of Ocean Pearl Maritime, Marine Engineer,…
Ever Given refloated after a week of blocking ships in the Suez
The giant containership Ever Given, which ran aground in the Suez Canal last week, blocking passage on both sides of the waterway…
NIMASA, NPA conclude plans for deployment of floating dock
Director-General of Nigerian Maritime Administration Safety Agency (NIMASA), Dr. Bashir Jamoh, has assured maritime stakeholders…
Shippers’ Council commends NPA on e-call-up system, calls for stakeholders’…
The Nigerian Shippers’ Council (NSC) has commended the Nigerian Ports Authority (NPA) on the introduction of the electronic call-…
Nigerian Shippers’ Council ascertains Dala Inland Dry Port will boost…
The Nigerian Shippers’ Council has expressed confidence that the Dala Inland Dry Port would provide a boost to the business…
All-women commanded tanker makes history after setting sail from JNPT
A tanker commanded and managed by an all-women crew has set sail from the Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust (JNPT), the biggest…
NNPC considers indigenous coys’ participation in crude oil, fuel imports…
There are strong indications that indigenous shipping companies which have capacity for crude oil affreightment may be allowed to…
Secure Anchorage Area: Navy, NIMASA intensify security efforts
Jamoh: No Security Vacuum in Nigerian Waters
The Nigerian Navy and Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency…